Tuesday, December 23

Santa is coming!

I have too many stories to share so I will separate the regular stories from the christmas ones…

Today John picked up an old cell phone, he usually pretends he is talking to Brett but today:

Me: Who are you talking to?
John: Santa!
Me: Oh yeah? (big smile!) What did he say?
John: Ho! Ho! Ho!

We took John to see santa at the museum of Idaho. They have lots of displays including nativities from around the world, antique santa clauses, and gingerbread houses. They also had a display of the Grinch going down a chimney and John pointed excitedly at him and said "Froggy!" (He also called me a Froggy on sunday because I was wearing a green shirt)

When it came time for John to sit on Santa's lap he was ok sitting there, but he would not look at Santa, no matter what he tried! Poor guy, but he did give him knuckles before taking a candy cane, so thats something.

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